Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 4, 2014

HTML5 attributes [HTML5 Support]

You might have noticed in the beginning of the chapter thawwere using neattributes such as minmax, and step. These are neattributes that are defined
in the HTML5 specification that allow developerto specify additional configuration on the input element. Some importanattributes are discussed in the following list:

        max: Applicable to the NumberRange, and Date fields; allows specification of
maximum value in the input.
        min: Applicable to the NumberRange, and Date fields; allows specification of a
minimum value in the input.
        step: Applicable to the NumberRange, and Date fields; allows specification of an incremenvalue in the input.
        list: Applicable tvarious textbostyle inputs. Allows developerto map the field to a data list, thus allowing end userto pick them from the list.
        placeholder: Applicable tvarious textbostyle inputs. Allows developerto show placeholder text until the elemengains focus.
        pattern: Applicable tvarious textbostyle inputs. Allows developertvalidate the user input against a regular express-and-throw-a-validation error.

        required: Prevents users from submitting the form with empty values in the required fields.
        multiple: Applicable to file input; allows multiple file uploads from a single file control.

Multiple file uploads

For implementing multiple file uploads, you will need to set the multiple attribute on the file input elementTRUE. If the browser supports multiple file uploads, then the user will be allowed to select multiple files, otherwise the control will limit to just one file selection.
Perform the following stepfor HTML5 multiple file uploads:

1.       Create a neImageUpload form; make sure that the multiple attribute for the
File element is set to TRUE:
// filename : module/Users/src/Users/Form/MultiImageUploadForm.php namespace Users\Form;

use Zend\Form\Form;
use Zend\Form\Element; use Zend\InputFilter;

class MultiImageUploadForm extends Form
public function   construct($name = null, $options = array())
parent:: construct($name, $options);

public function addElements()
$imageupload = new Element\File('imageupload');
$imageupload->setLabel('Image Upload')
->setAttribute('id', 'imageupload')
->setAttribute('multiple', true);
//Enables multiple file uploads


$submit = new Element\Submit('submit');
$submit->setValue('Upload Now');

public function addInputFilter()
$inputFilter = new InputFilter\InputFilter();
// File Input
$fileInput = new InputFilter\FileInput('imageupload');
$fileInput->getFilterChain()->attachByName( 'filerenameupload',
'target' => './data/images/temp.jpg', 'randomize' => true
2.       Set up an action to handle the file uploads, and tredirect the user to an upload confirmation page:
public function multiUploadAction()
// prepare form
$form = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('MultiImageUploadForm');
$request = $this->getRequest(); if ($request->isPost()) {
$post = array_merge_recursive(

if ($form->isValid()) {
$data = $form->getData();
// Form is valid, save the form!
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('users/html5-test', array('action' => 'processMultiUpload'));
$viewModel  = new ViewModel(array('form' => $form)); return $viewModel;

3.       Now test the form in your browser that supports multiple file uploads with HTML5, for example, Opera 12. You will see that the file selector interface allows the selection of more than one file as shown in the following screenshot:

5.      You can verify if the files are uploaded successfully and the filters are applied by navigating through the data/images directory and looking up for the uploaded files. You can see that all files start with temp and have a _<random_number> suffix in their filenames:

What just happened?
We have now created an HTML5 multiple file upload form using HTML5 attributes and Zend form elements. We have also applied a filter trename the uploaded files and have also seen how filters work in multiple file uploads.

Q1. Which of the following methods is a newly supported HTML5 input type?

1.       text
2.       radio
3.       checkbox
4.       number

Which of the following input types do not have a Form element defined in ZF 2.1?

1.       tel
2.       date
3.       color
4.       search


HTML5 is a verrobust and powerful specification of HTML which is still partially supported by most browsers. As newer versions of browsercome out in the market, you will geto see much more enhanced support for this specification. In our next chapterwe will be using ZF2 to build mobile web applications.

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