Zend Framework 2 ServiceManager
The ZF2 ServiceManager implements the service locator design pattern. The service locator is a service/object locator used for retrieving other objects.
The ServiceManager configurations are classified into six main categories; your application/module configuration will fall under one or more of the categories listed in the following table:
type Description
abstract_factories Used to
define an array of abstract
aliases Used to
define an associative
array of alias name / target
name pairs.
factories Used to
define an array of service name
/ factory class name pairs.
The factory
classes defined here should either implement Zend/
or invokable classes.
invokables Used to
define an array of service name /
class name pairs. The classes listed here
may be directly instantiated
without any constructor arguments.
services Used to
define an array of service name /
object pairs. The service is basically an instance of a
class. Services can be used to register classes which are already initialized.
shared Used to
define an array of service name /
Boolean pairs, indicating
whether or not a service should be shared. All services are shared by default; this ServiceManager option can be used to
disable sharing on specific services.
The ServiceManager configuration can
be stored either in the application configuration or in the module configuration; this can be chosen according to the needs, application, or module. Usually, the configuration, which isstatic across the application, is stored in the application-level configuration; all other information is stored at a module level.
The configuration for ServiceManager is merged in the following order:
1. Module configuration provided by the Module lass using the getServiceConfig()
method. This will be processed in the same order in which the modules are processed:
public function getServiceConfig()
return array(
'abstract_factories' => array(), 'aliases' => array(),
'factories' => array(), 'invokables' => array(), 'services' => array(),
'shared' => array(),
2. Module configuration is present in the service_manager key; again, this is processed in the same order in which the modules are processed.
3. Application configuration is present in various configuration files in the
config/autoload/ directory in the order in which they are processed:
return array(
'service_manager' => array(
'factories' => array(), 'invokables' => array(), 'services' => array(), 'shared' => array(),
Our next step will be to migrate existing code blocks to make use of ServiceManager. Some of the key factories that can be moved into ServiceManager are as follows:
◆ Database connections
◆ Models and table gateways
◆ Forms and filters
◆ Authentication service
If you review the existing code, you will be able to figure out that all the database connections are already using the Zend Framework 2 ServiceManager model for storing credentials. We
will take one step forward and move the rest of the factories into ServiceManager using the following steps:
1. Modify Module.php and add a new function to load the ServiceManager configuration:
public function getServiceConfig()
return array(
'abstract_factories' => array(), 'aliases' => array(),
'factories' => array(
// DB
'UserTable' => function($sm) {
$tableGateway = $sm->get('UserTableGateway');
$table = new UserTable($tableGateway); return $table;
'UserTableGateway' => function ($sm) {
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$resultSetPrototype = new ResultSet();
$resultSetPrototype->setArrayObjectPrototype(new User());
'LoginForm' => function ($sm) {
$form = new \Users\Form\LoginForm();
$form->setInputFilter($sm->get('LoginFilter')); return $form;
'RegisterForm' => function ($sm) {
$form = new \Users\Form\RegisterForm();
$form->setInputFilter($sm->get('RegisterFilter')); return $form;
'LoginFilter' => function ($sm) {
return new \Users\Form\LoginFilter();
'RegisterFilter' => function ($sm) {
return new \Users\Form\RegisterFilter();
'invokables' => array(), 'services' => array(), 'shared' => array(),
2. Make sure that the Module.php file includes all the necessary namespaces:
use Users\Model\User;
use Users\Model\UserTable;
use Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet;
use Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway;
3. Make necessary changes to the controllers to fetch the instances from ServiceManager:
// to get Login Form
$form = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('LoginForm');
// to get User Table
$userTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('UserTable');
4. To check if the changes are working as expected, try to register and log in with new credentials.
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